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    China international building pottery and ceramics board meeting in Shanghai on April 2
    Hits:842 Addtime:2013-4-10 [Print] [Back]
    The 2013 China international building pottery and ceramic board meeting will be held in Shanghai new international expo center W1 in the afternoon of April 2. The meeting was supported by the China building sanitary ceramics association and xianyang ceramic research and design institute, which was held by Shanghai bohua international exhibition co., LTD.



    At the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has developed into the world's largest production power and a large country. In recent years, the Chinese building curtain wall industry through the introduction of foreign advanced technology, develop new products, expand the market, optimizing industrial structure, formed with Chinese characteristics of the sustainable development of the technology innovation mechanism. Especially with the development of ceramic plate curtain wall, it has a high-tech content, quality, diverse, colorful, breaking the new material into the field of curtain wall, not only improve the energy-saving index of building curtain wall, and enlarge the using range of the building curtain wall, greatly increased the intension and extension of the building curtain wall, made the wall of the material of facing of single wall evolved into new structure, beautiful new multi-functional building structure. In addition, the ceramic curtain wall can make a variety of plate type curtain wall and specification variety free collocation, show the supergroup design style.
    China building sanitary ceramics association, under the support of the ceramic plate invited to the ministry of science and technology development promotion center QuHongLe professor, director of the office of new wall materials and structure, ceramic research and design institute of xianyang yan open dean, YuanKeXing director of the national health ceramic quality inspection center, China academy of building standard design professor gu TaiChang industry authority, and Barry, the chairman of the national association of home builders Berman Rutenberg Sir, and from jiangsu r, new principle, the Mona Lisa, NBK leading enterprise on behalf of the ceramic plate and ceramic plate, common in China's building ceramic plate and then explores its ceramic plate industry development present situation, from product development, quality inspection, installation technology, to the acceptance of work and customer experience, a detailed analysis of ceramic plate, ceramic plate in building curtain wall, high-rise buildings, commercial buildings, such as project design and apply in the case. At the national and global architects, designers, building materials, engineering and other buyers recommend the new type of environmental protection of architectural pottery plate and ceramic plate material's colleague, through the industry authority of the full support and participate in all the way, analysis of ceramic plate, ceramic plate industry standard formulation and application of new building decoration materials.
    Assembly by internationally renowned architect and domestic a line on the classic case of share project, to discuss the new wall materials, construction technology and application of experience, for architects, construction units and between ceramic plate curtain wall materials enterprises set up a platform of close contact, close relationship between engineering and material business, realize the mutual trust between each other, to lay a solid foundation for future cooperation. Through the concept of technology and innovation, the breakthrough original industry development model, to break one thousand ordinary concrete wall, brick wall, the old face of ceramic tile, a ceramic plate of the construction industry revolution.
    In addition, the conference will be April 1 solstice 3 held in Shanghai new international expo center, "the 14th China building ceramic and sanitary ware products of science and technology exhibition", "2013 China international ceramic plate, ceramic plate and related accessories exhibition", "China international building decoration fair", "Shanghai international hotel supplies exhibition TTF attending" held in conjunction with the ground. The 400,000-square-meter aircraft carrier level industry event will bring together 2,800 enterprises and more than 100,000 domestic and foreign industry buyers. Global architects, designers, materials dealer participation, will expand architectural pottery plate industry influence in the domestic and international market, to know more about China and the world building ceramic plate industry, promote the construction ceramic plate company in China and the world market and trade cooperation. 

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