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  • ndqqdrl.cn-亚洲欧美中文字幕在线一区91,不卡免费人成网站在线视频,日韩久久精品无码aV,国产成年女人特黄特色大片免费

    > Terracotta panel > J18
    Home > Products
            The design of the cavity structure of K&K ceramic plate greatly reduces the weight of the material, reduces the load of the curtain wall structure, makes it more energy-saving and noise reduction, and improves the economic and comfort of the building. The vacuum high-pressure extrusion process makes the ceramic plate more powerful.
            Light and strong, insulation and energy insulation
            Width specification optional: 300, 400, 500, 600 (or customizable)
            Length specification optional: within 1200 (or customizable)
      • 1
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    • Color
    • Surface effect
    • Model

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